In addition to the scientific and the industrial program, the BTW also offers several workshops that allow for in-depth discussions. Therefore, we are accepting proposals for workshops which can be either half a day or a full day. A workshop proposal in PDF format should not exceed three pages and should contain the following:
- Names, affiliations, and e-mail addresses of the workshop organizers. Please mark the primary contact person.
- A brief description of the workshop, including the workshop's name and topic, and a short summary of the technical issues in the focus of the workshop.
- A sketch of the workshop's Call for Papers.
- Preferred workshop duration, format and an estimate of the number of expected participants.
- Information if proceedings are planned for the workshop and whether these proceedings would be organized by the workshop organizers themselves or an integration into comprehensive workshop proceedings would be appreciated.
- Short information on previous editions of the workshop series (if applicable).
From a logistics perspective, please consider the following:
- Workshops will take place in the same location as BTW 2019 and will be held from March 4 to March 5, directly before the main conference.
- Workshop fees are included in the registration of BTW 2019 tickets, but participants can separately register for workshops only.
- Workshops will benefit from the BTW 2019 organizational infrastructure.
- The workshop organizers are expected to work with the BTW 2019 local organizers on the details and publicity aspects of the workshop.
- The authors of the best workshop contributions will be invited to publish an extended version of their work in a issue of Datenbank-Spektrum "Ausgewählte Beiträge von den Workshops der BTW 2019".
The submission of workshop suggestions is made via the ConfTool:
Important dates can be found here.